
My name is Eric Grosse.  I am a husband to my amazing wife Cindy.  I am a father of two amazing boys. I am also an Advanced Care Paramedic, art enthusiast, automotive aficionado,  rep football team trainer, and a photographer.



A story can be spoken, read, or told in an image.  I am a visual story teller.  My images can tell an infinite amount of tales.   An image can invoke feelings in the viewer.  Feelings of happiness and love,  sadness and despair or adventure and triumph.  A series of images can reveal the true story.  I can tell a story of how a mountain was climbed, how the sun set over a lake, how the dog sat for a treat, or how a baby smiled with her family.   My passion is story telling through visual media.


Almost everywhere I go I have my camera at my side ready to tell the tale of the day.  My images have told stories from across Canada and through the United States. My stories revisit the highlights of climbing a mountain in Alberta, the crashing waves against the landscape in Atlantic Canada, to the organized chaos of a Chicago street.


Sports photography challenges and excites my creativity.  I have that adrenaline rush when I am able to capture the exact second that the football player catches the ball,  or the player tackles their opponent, or the team scores a touchdown.  I also get a rush from capturing the emotions on the faces of the players on the sidelines when the team has its highs from gaining ground, or the lows when the team has lost its footing and is spiraling downward.  I challenge myself to capture all the emotions on the field and on the sidelines during a game.  These are the images the spectators cannot always see from the stands. I provide that emotion through my images.


Portraits are most interesting and I challenge myself to bring the most out of my subject.  Not just another smiling face, the spontaneous image that was never supposed to be sometimes brings out the best in people. Showcasing their true being between poses and set up positions. This is what I call my natural portrait.


Family pictures are of special interest to me.  To see the happiness and joy of a family united together to have an image captured to share.  These images will tell the story of the people in the family for generations to come.  Visuals of happy smiles,  playful laughter or Joyful tears.  I can capture and tell the story of the day so you can see the images and stir up memories and help relive the moment.  


Allow me to tell your story.

